乔(马修·派瑞 Matthew Perry 饰)在一间律师事务所里工作,在公司里不受领导待见,工作上又不思进取,因此,乔充其量只能算是一位文职人员。最近,老板指派给了乔一项任务,那就是将一份离婚文件送给住在纽约的名为莎拉(伊丽莎白·赫利 Elizabeth Hurley 饰)的女子。
收到了离婚通知书,莎拉震惊了,她一直觉得,尽管和丈夫戈登(布鲁斯·坎贝尔 Bruce Campbell 饰)身处两地,但他们依然不失为是一对恩爱的模范夫妻,然而,丈夫的背叛白纸黑字就在眼前,根据德州法律,夫妻两人率先递交出离婚文件的那一方将获得更多利益,于是,莎拉收买了乔,和他一同前往戈登所在的德克萨斯州,为了争取自己的权益而宣战。
Sergeant Mark Quinn is a policeman who is known among his superiors as extremely persistent, unrestrained and merciless against criminals. The reason for this is to be found in his past. When he was a child he was the only one who has escaped a family massacre, and the murderers of his parents were never catched. In the meantime he was raised by a Japanese and teached in the arts of the Ninja. The tough, longstanding training pays off when he meets the killer of his father again… With all weapons and the precise and deadly techniques of the Ninja he takes revenge…