This film follows composer and performer Max Richter as he consolidates an ambitious performance of his critically acclaimed eight-hour opus, Sleep.
The film plunges deeply into the artist’s life and process, transcending the work to explore his legacy. Personal reflections from Max Richter, and visual archive from his long-term creative partner, the BAFTA winning filmmaker, Yu...
《狂澜春醒》,也有译《狂野之河》,本名《WILD RIVER》,是美国电影大师伊利亚·卡赞 Elia Kazan的(美国)三部曲之一,知名度不如《SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS》(《天涯何处无芳草》(1961))和《AMERICA,AMERICA》(《美国,美国》(1963)),但都是杰出的现实主义之作。1960年拍峻。
电影瞄准1930年代,1929年经济危机的大背景以及罗斯福针对经济危机的NEW DEAL计划都是关键词。田纳西州的田纳西河,由于时时泛滥成灾,并经历了一次惨绝人寰的大洪水,因此建设水电站大坝,既是解决失业、发展经济的现实之需,也希望就此摆脱洪水的恶梦,当然也是我们异常亲切熟悉的手法。国会因此成立TVA(田纳西谷管理局?),专门负责该流域的整治事宜,及建设水电站坝,力图促进地区发展。但由于水位抬升需要淹没河流中心的一个小岛...
While on vacation at a resort hotel in the West Indies, Miss Marple correctly suspects that the apparently natural death of a retired British major is actually the work of a murderer planning yet another killing.