Alive and Kicking gives the audience an intimate, insider's view into the culture of the current swing dance world while shedding light on issues facing modern society.
斯科特(蒂姆·艾伦 Tim Allen 饰)拥有一段失败的婚姻,离婚之后,儿子查理(艾力克·洛伊德 Eric Lloyd 饰)跟着母亲劳拉(温迪·古逊 Wendy Crewson 饰)生活。探视日很快就到了,斯科特兴致勃勃的准备去享受和儿子之间相处的短暂时光,但正当他准备出门之时,却发现有一个人在他家的屋顶上鬼鬼祟祟的不知道干着什么。斯科特一声大喝吓得屋顶上的人跌落下来,这时斯科特才震惊的发现,这个人居然是圣诞老人。
故事发生在二十世纪的一个英国小镇里。古淳(格兰达·杰克逊 Glenda Jackson 饰)和厄苏拉(珍妮·林登 Jennie Linden 饰)是情同手足的两姐妹,姐姐古淳在学校里担任教师的职务,性格严谨而刻板,妹妹厄苏拉不久之前才回到家乡,身为自由派画家的她向往着无拘无束随心所欲的生活。 在一场婚礼中,姐妹两人结识了鲁伯特(阿兰·贝茨 Alan Bates 饰)和杰拉德(奥列佛·里德 Oliver Reed 饰)两名男子。厄休拉和鲁伯特坠入了情网,并且携手走入了婚姻的殿堂。与此同时,古淳和杰拉德之间也产生了暧昧的情愫。四人前往瑞士度假,在那里,古淳邂逅了一名风流倜傥的雕塑家,移情别恋。这让杰拉德感到无法接受。
A young girl whose father is an ex-convict and whose mother is a junkie finds it difficult to conform and tries to find comfort in a quirky combination of Elvis and the punk scene.
偷窃老手尼克(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)顺利完成了委托人的任务返回住所,但是在交接时委托人麦斯(马龙·白兰度 Marlon Brando饰)给他带来了一好一坏两个消息:坏消息是买主死掉了,尼克无法出货;好消息则是有一单四百万的大生意在等着他——需要尼可从海关大楼的地下室偷出国王的加冕权杖。预备和女友结婚的尼可不想再涉足偷窃,但是麦斯的合作者——乔装弱智打入海关内部的青年杰克(爱德华·诺顿 Edward Norton 饰)对这单生意锲而不舍,杰克终于打动尼可,与之结成了偷窃权杖的二人组合。杰克凭借出色的急智完成了准备工作,尼可对这位锋芒毕露的年青人要求严格,但又不乏暗暗的赞许。行动当夜,两人潜入海关,但事情的发展却出人意表……
The IMAX "Cosmic Voyage" film was made as a public service with sponsorship by the Smithsonian Air and Space museum. On DVD, borrowed from my local public library, it plays at just over 30 minutes with Morgan Freeman supplying a pleasing narrative. As one would expect from an IMAX film, the image quality is superb and the Dolby 5.1 sound track is very well done. Simulated cosmic explosions shake your walls! That is, if you have a good powered subwoofer in your system.
The film takes a very useful approach to examining the size of the universe, from tiny sub-atomic particles to the vastness of the whole universe. (Fortunately, when God created the Universe he had dispatched a few angels with video cameras at different vantage points so we get to see actual footage from several billion years ago.) The film starts in Venice, where the discovery of the telescope originated, and uses a one-meter hoop as a reference point, then gradually goes larger by powers of 10, e.g. 10 meters, 100, 1000, etc until we can see the whole universe. Then it takes the opposite journey, going smaller by powers of 10 until be see inside sub-atomic particles.
The story is well-woven with beautiful effects created especially for this film. It is entertaining and educational at the same time. All of "oldsters" can enjoy it for the scientific history we are already familiar with, and all the "youngsters" can enjoy it for the educational supplement it provides. Overall a masterful film.
Any numerical "rating" of "Cosmic Voyage" is meaningless. If one is looking for a superb film about our universe and modern theories of its formation, this one is hard to beat. Kudos to IMAX and to the Air and Space Museum.