A stolen computer disk contains the location of a hidden tresaure trove. It's up to the sexy ladies of LETHAL (Legion to Ensure Total Harmony and Law) to find the treasure before the bad guys do. Will the forces of evil be able to overcome LETHAL's powerful combination of bullets, brains, and boobs?
quot;A troubled antiwar activist plans to assassinate the President of the United States. His resolve forces others in a fragmented and disillusioned group of political allies to face the threat of government counterintelligence and the temptations of middle-age security, and to reexamine their commitment to radical action."
史蒂夫(比利·克鲁德普 Billy Crudup 饰)在跑步方面有着过人的天赋,许多教练想要将他收入麾下但却纷纷遭到了拒绝,因为,在心高气傲的史蒂夫心中,只有传奇田径教练比尔(唐纳德·萨瑟兰 Donald Sutherland 饰)有资格成为他的“师傅”,经历了一番波折之后,史蒂夫最终成为了比尔手下的得力战将。
经历了比尔别具一格的严格训练,史蒂夫获得了长足的进步。之后,他在校园里结识了名叫马瑞(莫妮卡·波特 Monica Potter 饰)的美丽女孩,两人双双坠入了爱河。一场竞争激烈的比赛中,初出茅庐的史蒂夫获得了第四名的好成绩,就在比尔和马瑞都在为他感到高兴的时候,史蒂夫却宣布要结束自己的职业生涯,因为他脆弱的自尊无法承受没能得到第一名的打击。
故事发生在风景如画的西班牙巴塞罗纳。茱莉亚(凯特·贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale 饰)是一位修复名画的专家,十分热爱自己事业的她常常沉浸在古老绘画所描绘的场景之中。一次偶然中,茱莉亚得到了一副失传已久的名画,在修复名画的过程中,她意外的发现了一行被隐藏的文字。
这发现令茱莉亚确信这幅画中隐藏着一个秘密,她找到了名画的收藏家唐(迈克尔·高夫 Michael Gough 饰),哪知道唐竟然死于非命。之后,茱莉亚又找到了象棋高手多米尼克(Paudge Behan 饰),希望多米尼克能够破解画中出现的象棋迷局,在此过程中,围绕着茱莉亚和名画,恐怖残忍的谋杀接连发生。
Still in the thrall of the evil vampire Radu, Michelle yearns to be taught the skills of the vampire. Meanwhile, her sister Becky tries to free her from his evil clutches, and this time, she's brought some help...