在四面环海、风景如画的阿伦黛尔王国,生活着两位可爱美丽的小公主,艾莎和安娜。艾莎天生具有制造冰雪的能力,随着年龄的增长,她的能力越来越强,甚至险些夺走妹妹的生命。为此国王紧闭宫门,也中断了两姐妹的联系。悲哀的海难过后,艾莎(伊迪娜·门泽尔 Idina Menzel 配音 )终于到了加冕的年龄,各国王公齐来祝贺。艾莎战战兢兢,唯恐被人识破隐藏了多年的秘密。然而当听说安娜(克里斯汀·贝尔 Kristen Bell 配音)将要和初次见面的南埃尔斯王子汉斯(圣蒂诺·方塔纳 Santino Fontana 配音)结婚时,依然情绪失控露出了马脚。在此之后她逃到山中,构建了属于自己的冰雪王国,而阿伦黛尔也陷入可怕的寒冷之中。 安娜独自来到山中,在山民克斯托夫(乔纳森·格罗夫 Jonathan Groff 配音)的帮助下总算来到姐姐的宫殿,她能否让国家重新找回失落的绿意?
Adolfo (55), a famous short story writer, decides to write his first novel and gives his daughter Dalia (6) the gift of creating a character for the story. She chooses a goat, like her stuffed animal. After the death of her father, Dalia (12) is kidnapped by the characters of the story. Through a portal, they make her a character of the novel “The Red Book”. While struggling to find a way out with the help of Goat, Dalia must face the other characters, who will do anything to become the main characters of the book. She is the only one capable of writing the final chapter, though she doesn’t feel confident enough.
Dalia has only 12 hours, a blank page, and a pen to complete the story. The adventure within the book leads her to discover who her father’s friends and enemies were. She writes the ending and discovers whether she wants to follow in her father's footsteps as a writer or not.
Continuation of 2000's The Emperor's New Groove, showcasing Kuzco's attempts to graduate from his kingdom's school, and his former advisor Yzma's evil attempts to keep him from his goal.
Continuation of 2000's The Emperor's New Groove, showcasing Kuzco's attempts to graduate from his kingdom's school, and his former advisor Yzma's evil attempts to keep him from his goal.
Nickelodeon正式拿下《海绵宝宝》番外剧集《派大星秀》(The Patrick Star Show,暂译),比尔·法格巴克将回归为派大星配音!据悉,法格巴克早已开启配音工作,首季预计有13集。该剧风格类似于《拉里·桑德斯秀》与《喜剧大暴走》之间的混搭,派大星将主持自己的深夜脱口秀节目,而内容则围绕着派大星和他的家人展开。《海绵宝宝》的众多角色也将客串登场。