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本片榮獲藝學院賞最佳電影、最佳劇本、最佳男主角(西田敏行)最佳助演男配角(田中邦衛)最佳新人(萩原聖人、裕木奈江)暨最佳導演六項大獎!!      《學校》是山田洋次構思了15年的意念。影片的背景是一所夜間中學,負責教學的是已屆中年的黑井先生。      他本來可以有機會調職到另一家正規學校任教,但他卻拒絕了。又一個學期要過去,在畢業禮即將來臨之前,黑井叫每個學生都以過去一年的日子做題材,寫下一些值得回味的事情。班上的同學,有不同年齡的、不同國藉和背景的,不約而同都發現:歲月雖然匆匆,但箇中悲喜,尤其是黑井的關懷,卻教他們永誌難忘。      本片是山田洋次創作生涯上的另一高峰:七年間已拍了四集,是山田繼《男人之苦》後的第二個成功系列。      Directed by the creator of the Tora-san series, Yamada Yoji, "A Class to Remember" unfolds in a night junior high school on the lower east side of Tokyo. Students from their teens to their sixties are enrolled. One of the most beloved teachers, Kuroi, asks each student to write an essay recalling their experience in the night school. In the midst of the class, a piece of tragic news arrives: Inoda, one of Kuroi's students, has passed away, upon which the whole class starts talking about each other's memory of Inoda. Compassionate and extremely poignant, "A Class to Remember", marks the beginning of another film series for Yamada. So far four installments have been made and all are box office hits.


    The film follows two prisoners in the near future who are sentenced to a lifetime of hard labor on a distant planet. As things unravel, they become increasingly paranoid and start to lose a sense of who they are and their past lives.
    A young pregnant woman discovers that her perfect boyfriend may be a dangerous sleepwalker when she finds out of strange disappearances and murders taking place in the region.
    Waking up chained to the ceiling in a warehouse somewhere in Lithuania Stephen, an ex-soldier, is faced by his interrogators. They tell him that he was involved in the kidnap of the Russian Foreign Minister by a far right group who will execute the Minister live on the internet in 90 minutes. They believe Stephen knows the whereabouts of the kidnapped Minister, but Stephen has ...
    米奇·巴恩斯(罗伯特·帕丁森 饰)在地球一事无成,无奈下加入星际殖民计划,任职“消耗体”,从此开启了可以反复去世又不断重生、高危工作繁多望不到头的“宇宙牛马”死去活来打工记。某次,第17号米奇从又一危险任务死里逃生,回家后却发现自己已经被米奇18号取代了位置,一场啼笑皆非的科幻冒险黑色喜剧就此上演。  影片改编自爱德华·阿什顿的科幻小说《米奇7号》。
    Written by Anas Tellenne, the story revolves around the character of Raphal. Nearing sixty with a blind eye and an imposing physique, he’s well aware that people are afraid of him. He lives with his mother in a detached house located on a vast estate attached to the manor house of which he is the caretaker. He’s been leading a tranquil life since the owners passed away, but e...
    治安督察 Arjun Mahakshay 停职两个月后,到新的警察局上班,并面临着意想不到的情况。阿琼能够拯救这一切吗?
    After the end of the climate wars, there is probably one person left on Earth. Her name is Ewa. She lives with a robot named Arthur, whose job is to guard the borders of the camp. One day Ewa goes outside the camp boundaries. On her return she gives the incorrect password. The robot, despite knowing Eve, does not let her into the camp. She is trapped on a small patch of land. S...
    An action drama about a fisherman in Srikakulam who gets caught by the Pakistan forces in international waters.
    Chosen Family sees Ann, a yoga teacher trying to find inner peace despite the fact her family is manic, and whose dating life is miserable. Ann doesn’t know how to say no and finds herself fixing everyone’s problems. Struggling to repair her estranged relationship with her sister Clio, Ann relies on her friends Roz, Max and Frances to be her rock and guide her through life’s tr...
    Following the tragic death of his wife, Jon struggles with feelings of guilt when he starts an affair with the enigmatic Red. As he comes closer and closer to Red in a psychologically probing and mutually abusive relationship, Jon begins to question what exactly happened the night his wife killed herself. With the Stutter, a haunting echo seemingly everywhere around him blurrin...