洛杉矶警局的谈判专家杰夫(布鲁斯•威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)在一次解救被劫持人质行动失败后,心灰意冷,觉得自己已经不再适合担当起这份重要的工作,于是申请调职前往一个治安良好小镇的警察局任职,心想在那里平静的度过下半辈子。
这天,小镇的三名不良青年意图偷走会计师史密斯(凯文•波拉克 Kevin Pollak 饰)的汽车时,意外令他们困在了一栋豪宅当中,惊慌失措的三人劫持了史密斯一家作人质。一向没有应付过这种场面的小镇警察们一时手忙脚乱。杰夫只能再次出马,重操旧业。同一时候,杰夫的家人也遭到了绑架。杰夫面对这起双面绑架案会如何处理?
The film follows two prisoners in the near future who are sentenced to a lifetime of hard labor on a distant planet. As things unravel, they become increasingly paranoid and start to lose a sense of who they are and their past lives.
A young pregnant woman discovers that her perfect boyfriend may be a dangerous sleepwalker when she finds out of strange disappearances and murders taking place in the region.
Waking up chained to the ceiling in a warehouse somewhere in Lithuania Stephen, an ex-soldier, is faced by his interrogators. They tell him that he was involved in the kidnap of the Russian Foreign Minister by a far right group who will execute the Minister live on the internet in 90 minutes. They believe Stephen knows the whereabouts of the kidnapped Minister, but Stephen has ...
Written by Anas Tellenne, the story revolves around the character of Raphal. Nearing sixty with a blind eye and an imposing physique, he’s well aware that people are afraid of him. He lives with his mother in a detached house located on a vast estate attached to the manor house of which he is the caretaker. He’s been leading a tranquil life since the owners passed away, but e...
After the end of the climate wars, there is probably one person left on Earth. Her name is Ewa. She lives with a robot named Arthur, whose job is to guard the borders of the camp. One day Ewa goes outside the camp boundaries. On her return she gives the incorrect password. The robot, despite knowing Eve, does not let her into the camp. She is trapped on a small patch of land. S...