西元814年欧洲中古时代,德国一户平凡家庭。因为当时女性饱受社会的歧视与种种限制,约翰娜(乔娜·沃卡莱克 Johanna Wokalek饰)从小就在教士父亲重男轻女的观念下长大。虽然父亲反对,但聪慧好学的约翰娜还是得到了希腊教士的精心教导,掌握了拉丁文和希腊文。约翰娜渐渐长大,并与格罗尔德伯爵(大卫·文翰 David Wenham饰)相爱。不久战争爆发,格罗尔德奔赴前线。死里逃生的约翰娜在逃亡中凭借着过人的胆识和智慧,女扮男装顶替早逝的哥哥进入修道院,并在那里行医救治穷人。很快,约汉娜以高明的医术获得教皇的信任,却随即卷入了政治宗教的危险漩涡之中。在一连串政治权力的斗争中,约翰娜终于登上教廷的最高位置,成为万众景仰的一代教皇。她隐藏女性身份统治天主教会长达两年之久,直到因热恋怀孕而被斗争下台。
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of 9/11, The Twins of the Twin Towers tells the previously untold story of the twins who lost their 'other half' on the day of the terrorist attacks. It features the accounts of some of the 46 twins including Zachary Fletcher, a New York City Fire Fighter who lost his fellow fire fighter and twin brother, Andre in the south tower; Gregory Hof...
Researcher Marc Seifer, astrophysicist Travis Taylor and investigative journalist Jason Stapleton investigate the mysteries surrounding the life and work of Nikola Tesla, one of the most important and eccentric scientists in history.