美国新英格兰地区的普德顿大学流传着一个名为“斯坦利堂大屠杀”的恐怖传奇,话说25年前,一名异常心理学教授在斯坦利堂大开杀戒随后自杀,这起血腥惨案至今在学生中间广为流传。适值此时,校园内发生一连串的凶杀案。校报记者保罗·加德纳(杰拉德·莱托 Jared Leto 饰)坚信凶手就隐藏在校园内,他的朋友之一娜塔莎·西蒙(艾丽西亚·维特Alicia Witt 饰)更将此事与斯坦礼堂大屠杀联系起来。他们二人携手调查此事,在这一过程中,他们的朋友借二连三遇难。娜塔莎吃惊地意识到,她和保罗已经进入凶手设下的狩猎陷阱之中。 越逼近真相,危险便离他们越近……
Only a day after returning from the past, Batman and his allies discover that the world isn't quite the same as they left it. The entire island of Japan no longer exists and neither do the heroes of the Justice League. But before they can get a handle on what is going on, yakuza literally start raining from the skies.
A frank and generous portrait of the folk legend and activist with the incredible voice who, at the age of 82, continues to fight the good fight. A visual diary from a cultural icon.
In a sun-drenched cabin in Woodside, California, the directors meet the now 82-year-old Joan Baez. She is one of the 20th century’s greatest folk singers and activist voices, and in the autumn of her career she contiunues to shine. ‘Joan Baez, I Am A Noise’ is structured as a visual diary anchored in Baez’s extraordinary archive, including newly discovered home movies, diaries, artworks and sound recordings. At the same time, the singer is remarkably honest and revealing about her life on and off stage – from her lifelong psychiatric struggles to her myriad activist causes with Dr Martin Luther King and others, to a heartbreaking romance and musical partnership with a young Bob Dylan. A searingly honest look at a living legend who has never told the full truth about her life – until now.
本片以充满腐败和欺骗的世界为背景,聚焦于唐纳德·特朗普(塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦 Sebastian Stan 饰)在上世纪七八十年代在纽约发展房地产业务的过程,还将挖掘他与臭名昭著的律师罗伊·科恩(杰瑞米·斯特朗 Jeremy Strong 饰)的关系。这是一个老师和学生的故事,讲述了美国一个重要资本大亨的起源。